Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Everyone Needs An Intense Dance Break
OMG. Intense dance breaks are fuckign awesome. I just had one in the dark, over-heated small computer lab (138). To "Bootylicious". Yes. Bootylicious. It was quite amazing. I can't help it. I'm like Lily Allen's tits. Incredible. :D
Thursday, November 25, 2010
FCK Censorship
Okay, so this total cunt, let's call her Ollepuc, ruined my fucking set for my intermission act at Unplugged, an acoutic concert.I'm fucking pissed. However, to circumvent the school's will, I shall eb posting my full routine, uneditted, to Youtube and posting a link to my Facebook.Yay life mother fuckers.
Also! Iturned 17 on Wednesday!! I went to Toronto to shop at the Eaton center and I SAW WICKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES MOTHER FUCKERS!! WICKED!!!! It was so fuicking magical I began to cry. I was mouthing the lyrics and openly sobbing during 'Defying Gravity'
I have a party tomorrow night. And on Saturday I go to getmy tattoo!! A light blue cancer ribbon in support of prostate canacer. Joy life!
Also! Iturned 17 on Wednesday!! I went to Toronto to shop at the Eaton center and I SAW WICKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES MOTHER FUCKERS!! WICKED!!!! It was so fuicking magical I began to cry. I was mouthing the lyrics and openly sobbing during 'Defying Gravity'
I have a party tomorrow night. And on Saturday I go to getmy tattoo!! A light blue cancer ribbon in support of prostate canacer. Joy life!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
160 Kids Can Be Fucking Rude
Okay, I know they're retarded but these little fuckers need to be taught some respect. You can teach a dog respect. So either they are stupider than dogs or we're not trying hard enough. You teach a dog using corporal punishment but we are unwilling to put a hand to these people. I'm not advocating beating children but something must be done. These fuckers don't understand words the same way we do. They understand some of the simpler phrases but beyond that nothing. They don't get the concept of respect as an abstract. But they can learn to obey using Skinner's theory of Reinforcements. Hitting a retard when they do somethign wrong could be one of the best things you do for them. I got hit for being disrespectful when I was younger. I fucking turned out okay.
OOO!! I also quit smoking a couple days ago. No patch, no pill, just willpower. Getting pissier by the second though.
OOO!! I also quit smoking a couple days ago. No patch, no pill, just willpower. Getting pissier by the second though.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
School (aka. Sleep Space)
Fuck Yeah Fuschia. That's the name of the colour my nails are right now. So I got to a Catholic High School and I was and still am hugely fucking suprised the liberality of my school and the people who go here. Like Mothershit. I have pink fucking nails and no one says a god-damn thing. I have never been bullied, taunted, threatend or made to feel unwelcome. Okay. So what the fuck is America's problem? I hear of all these suicides and yes I wore purple on Spirit Day but like seriously, I have never thought about suicide since coming out. Being openly gay is not a bad thing here. Come on gays, have a country wide Pink Migration here to Canada. Let's become a Bloc Vote and Rule this country.
Monday, November 15, 2010
ONE DAY TILL THE SUBSTITUTE! GWYNETH PALTROW ON GLEE! FORGET YOU! SPANISH-NESS~ Rebecca's new name is Domino! YAY! YAY MOTHERFUCKERS!! OOOOO!!!!! I'm writing a new book. Apparently it's addictive. Basically it's my mind on a page.
Friday, November 12, 2010
OMFGSHIFOACAGE-Wrong Anagram....Dammit!
Well fuck me hard and call me Suzie! In the words of Samantha, Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck! No.1 My mom found my smokes, pot and lip gloss.
That's ALL gone now. Fuck! No.2 Well acutally there is no number 2. I'm just very upset about number 1. However I did turn into a huge gay bird twice this past week. Once when I first saw the Glee version of 'Teenge Dream' and again when Korofsky kissed Kurt! Actually at first I just went "WHAT!?!?!?!" in a voice three octaves higher than normal. Yeah WHERE THE HELL did that come from! And btw, I have actually never been more turned on by a chick than when the chickas did their mash-up. Holy shiznat! Like it was fucking hot! And I say that as a gay. Good job ladies. OMFG! Darren Criss.... Holy Hotness! Like YUMMY! I'm callin' it motherfuckers. It's a be a Blurt!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Gotta Love The Cool Teachers
So, there's a pep rally today, like right now and I'm SUPPOSED to be in there but it's stupid. So I'm walking through the halls to one of the computer labs and a teacher, let's call her Norgs, sees me and is like "not going to another assembly?" So of course I was like "Hopefully". And she just said, "Go to the library. I didn't see you" Epic Win!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Gotta Love A Fool
My 4/5 teacher (For the purposes of my blog let's call her Laframboise) let's me out of class because I say I need to "go check something". So now I sit here and blog. And Holy shitstorm, the drama. Firstly, someone (Let's call her Elisa) is going to get kicked out of the locker she shares with...Moaner, and thursday she's going to get bitched out! O Shit! Secondly, Salty got a buncha hate mail on her Tumblr calling her a whore and a slut because she posted some pics of a rather cute shirtless guy a couple of days after she broke up wiht her loser boyfriend. So her, Moaner and Clarice all individually came to the conclusion that it was Samama who had posted these thigns because she had been the only one to talk to said loser since the breakup and it was kinda obvious that it was written by a chick. But that part of the drama has been allieviated. But now because Elisa is not invited to Christmas Dinner and cut out of Secret Santa, I have to keep the Hello Kitty I got her. Yes, I got her a Hello Kitty. She has no fucking personality! What the hell am I supposed to get her. But I'm not really complaining about keeping Hello Kitty. I mean, I DO love Hello Kitty. She's freakin' adorable. Now I'm singin P!nk's "Glitter In The Air". Wow I'm either depressed or going to lead into "So What!!" with some heavy fucking righteous indignation. OOO Cute boy in the hall stared at me! *Big smiley face, like fucking huge*... Cute boy who's ALSO never had a girlfirend in highschool and who's very quiet and shy. Score!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Work!! Joy of Mother Fucking Joys.
Working with a huge fucking cunt. Wanting to shoot many, MANY customers. Being around so much fucking disgusting shit for so long. Annoying bitch I work with whose a fuckin' ass-kisser to the fucking cunt. Joy to the mother fuckin' world mother fuckers.
But there are some redeeming features. Workin' with Kim and talking in Black-ccents, hangin' in the back and talking about music and culture and the such with Shelly, Kate and I discussing our mutual hatred for said huge fucking cunt.
Anyways, I'm in drive-thru at the window and the huge fucking cunt says, "no singing in my drive-thru". So what do I do? Obey? Bahahahahaha!! Bull fucking shit! I start righteously belting Melissa Etheridge's "Come to my Window". And all she can do is look at me like I cannot believe you just stood up to me.
School tomorrow. FML X(
But there are some redeeming features. Workin' with Kim and talking in Black-ccents, hangin' in the back and talking about music and culture and the such with Shelly, Kate and I discussing our mutual hatred for said huge fucking cunt.
Anyways, I'm in drive-thru at the window and the huge fucking cunt says, "no singing in my drive-thru". So what do I do? Obey? Bahahahahaha!! Bull fucking shit! I start righteously belting Melissa Etheridge's "Come to my Window". And all she can do is look at me like I cannot believe you just stood up to me.
School tomorrow. FML X(
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Pontiacs Can Fly!
So I was driving with my mom today and this little shit-kicker in a shit-kicker little Pontiac gives us the finger and cuts in front of us. So my mom follows down a country road and intentionally rear-ends them. And guess what motherfuckers. Pontiacs can fly. It was proven today. That cars rear end went almost a foot in the air. So now I blog while wearing my favorite lip-gloss. Pecan Passion. :D OMG Watching Miss Congeniality while older = amazing. My favorite part is when Cheryl admits to having stolen the "devil's panties". Je heart. But watching this movie now made me realize, I have to eat pizza drink beer and go out and party on luminescent paint drums with my friends. That would be hilariously amazing.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Holy Fuckballs
$12.50 in tips from a single 5 hour shift last saturday. I cannot believe it. It's like fuckin' magical. But now i have to go plagiarize some shit for English xD
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Choir!! (y)
Holy shiznit! I was ACTUALLy good at choir today. I actually garnered a compliment from Sarah, from whom I am used to hearing that I suck shit. -_- Anyways, we're doing the song " 'Til the Last Shot's Fired" by Trace Atkins. Yeah. our choir is doing a country song when no one there sings country normally. And of fucking course, we only had five whole members. Yeah. Great fucking choir when there's only five fucking people. So now i'm home, drinking a mocha cappuccino protein drink. Dee-fuckin'-lish! And supposed to be studying for a Hamlet quiz. Oh well. Fuckballs to that.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
I'm Fucking Angry
Motherfuckers! Update! While at the mall, my mom tells me I can't fucking go see Wicked at the Canon Theatre in Toronto.... I'll let that sink into your brain meat. The muscial of the fucking decadde, the one I've wanted to see since I knew it existed, and I'm not fucking allowed to go because it's too expensive. Even though i would have payed with my own fucking money. And how fucking hippocritical is this coming from a woman who's spent thousands on fucking scrapbooking shit. Much of which she'll never use. FUCK!
the only fucking reason I haven't gone on a homicidal fucking rampage is because when I got home i did two of the things to calm me. Physical excercise and a couple cigs. Yay nicotine and endorphins!
the only fucking reason I haven't gone on a homicidal fucking rampage is because when I got home i did two of the things to calm me. Physical excercise and a couple cigs. Yay nicotine and endorphins!
Insult plaid all you fucking want...
But I love my plaid coat. It is sofa king warm. Walking home in the cold, watching other people shiver, it's quite funny. Je heart. While listening to the Glee version of telephone and drinking a nice hot Timmies French Vanilla.... It's like an fuckin' orgasm. Joy, motherfuckers. Joy. now normally I don't drink anything like a french vanilla from T-Hos, because theres like 250 calories in a medium, BUT there's this cute guy at the Timmies I go to. I quite enjoy flirting with him and he flirts back. :D But now I have to do a Pre-health essay, English notes to finish and a Law article assignment. +o(. But then off to London to shop for books, and clothes and to find some music!! XD laytah bitchez!
Monday, November 1, 2010
School (N)
If you seek ay my life. English journals due today. Not done. Most boring subject ever. Wanna vomit. Skipping rest of classes to do them. +o(
Started reading Boston Legal transcripts to stop self from gouging out own eyes.
Started reading Boston Legal transcripts to stop self from gouging out own eyes.
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