Saturday, March 12, 2011
Tons of shit to do
Omijesus! I'm going to have a busy fucking April! I go to New York April 6-10, Celebri and the Euclid contest on the 12 and 13th, going to Texas near the end and on the 30th, I have tickets for a night with Rick Mercer. joy yay motherfuckers. But I'm also kind of depressed because the Joes hos lost 2 out of 3 games of reach. We lost to Central 400-190, CCH 250-210 but we beat St. Mary's 340-120. UGH And Motherfuckers, I won't fuckign be here for when the team battles it out to see if we move on to Provincials. :'( I'll be in New York instead. I'm incredibly fucking anxious for it now. But i have faith in them. Soft of. I also had like a ridiculously great after school experience on Thursday. Chess club, an opera lesson and grocery shopping with a friend. For some reason I find that list of things ridiculously entertaining.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Update: I Don't Have A Superiority Complex
I got new frames! Versace frames! I love 'em, I love 'em, I love 'em! And uh no big shit but the Joe's Hos Reach For The Top team won three games. We beat Team #1 360-110, 240 of which were mine, Team #2 270-180, 170 of which were mine and Team #3 360-200, 260 of which were mine.
Now while we did amazingly, in no small part due to me, doesn't mean I have a big fuckign head. Or as someone put it "superiority euphoria". I have no clue what the hell that is supposed to be, but sffice to say it's nothgin any psychologist has ever picked up on. And fei, this has been the first time in my life where I've been the best. Even though I'm super at fencing and have won the title of school champion in 2 math contests, i've never been the best. I've been near the top in fencing and there are 300 fucking chinese kids who could score higher than me and did on those tests with their eyes closed. And I fucking know that. Shockingly, I know I'm normally not the best. So fuck off, it feels good to be the best for once. And not even. just ebst in a small division of schools.
Now while we did amazingly, in no small part due to me, doesn't mean I have a big fuckign head. Or as someone put it "superiority euphoria". I have no clue what the hell that is supposed to be, but sffice to say it's nothgin any psychologist has ever picked up on. And fei, this has been the first time in my life where I've been the best. Even though I'm super at fencing and have won the title of school champion in 2 math contests, i've never been the best. I've been near the top in fencing and there are 300 fucking chinese kids who could score higher than me and did on those tests with their eyes closed. And I fucking know that. Shockingly, I know I'm normally not the best. So fuck off, it feels good to be the best for once. And not even. just ebst in a small division of schools.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
How I Heart Vocals
And how much more I would Iif I could sing Where is Love from Oliver! in it's original way. Singular male in a high falsetto. Somehting I can do. With a helluvalot of control granted. But it is something I could feasibly do. But I have a feeling I wouldn't never be allowed to... :'(
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
It's January Eighth and I have not a Fucking Thing to do.
It's french class. I'm totally not going to do well. And I've been up for way to lng. I got up at 5:30! Ew. We're in the computer lab working on stuff from the University of Texas' Year One French site. Seriously? University French? Not really it's actually basic stuff. But still... Ugh! So itnstead I blog! YAY! This semester is going to kill me. I have Math, French and Philosophy. The only class that I actually like is Vocals. I LOVE VOCALS!! I've had three days and already we've done Imagine and Landslide. We also did a bit of Lean On Me. I KNOW!! Fun shit eh?
I really don't want to go to math though. It's a useless course and I already hate it. I've done it for 3 days and I hate it.
I really don't want to go to math though. It's a useless course and I already hate it. I've done it for 3 days and I hate it.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Muh Ha Ha Ha
Couple things are new bitches! 1) Great Christmas presents. Tickets to a Night with Rick Mercer, a new camera, more than $400 worth of Chapters gift cards and a ton of glee shit. Joyyaylife! 2) At family Christmas, I made out with my cousin's boyfriend. I KNOW!!!!!!!!! Like holy shit right? He was drunk and I was desperate. And I'm prety sure he thought I was my cousin. Which is odd 'cuz I'm like 3 inches taller than her AND A GUY!!!! Oh well. No use complaining. 3) I have a ridiculously cute optometrist. Like ZOMG. Tall with pierceing blue eyes and spiky dark hair. :O Hotness.
So I've made my list of New Years Resolutions:
So I've made my list of New Years Resolutions:
- Lose 30 pounds and get abs
- Get a 90 average
- Write and try to get one of my novels published
- Get a boyfriend
- Work on my theatricality
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Oh Dear.
My driving instructor knows I'm gay according to a source, but has the weirdest kind of way of trying to bring it up. A couple days ago, we were talking about stupid people and how they seem to have alot of kids and he said, 'well YOU can still adopt.' and I was like 'o hell no! I'm passing on my genetic material and having my own flesh and blood.' And just today, he was like 'I'm very glad Obama's in the White House cuz I saw the other day that they repealed the don't ask thinger.' Yes The Don't Ask Thinger. That is the official name of the Act. But I just find it hilarious and ...... there's no other word to describe how I find it.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
I woke up today with a softball-sized bruise on my ass. Let me start about 16 hours prior. PARTY!! Music, friends, dancing, cake and night time tabogganing. Okay now my personal measur of a good party is that 1) you don't remember part fo the night, 2) your hips hurt and 3) you've done something incredibly awkward. I'm now including a special catergory of you acquire somesort of bodily abnormality.
Anyways, this past friday was the Christmas dinner and talent show and many people were quite upset that I didn't perform my comedy routine. But OMG! The male teachers did a rendition of 'Bad Romance'. Holy shit. The one teacher, who is incredibly awkward and oggled by pretty much every girl and me in the school, let's call him Owden, was SO incredibly hot belting GaGa. OMG Last year the dude teachers did a stylized version of theTwelve Days of Christmas. In leather. Now I didnt't think Owden could get any hotter than being in leather, but now I am torn between the two. :S
And whilst Christmas shopping with my father, I learned I should never be let into a pet store. Or if I must be, I must be kept from the pet adoption center. I went in, saw the adorable kitties and began bawling my eyes out. Honestly, lately, if I were a chick, I would think I would be pregnant. I'm havin odd moods and odd cravings. No morning sickness or bloating yet though. :D (y)And I'm also doing this stupid thing; getting my family things with actually meaning to them. I made my Dad a CD with all my favourites on it so he can get to knwo me better, my Mom an empty scrapbook so we can fill it full of shit and my borther an empty memory card so that we can with it doing more brotherly shit together.
Anyways, this past friday was the Christmas dinner and talent show and many people were quite upset that I didn't perform my comedy routine. But OMG! The male teachers did a rendition of 'Bad Romance'. Holy shit. The one teacher, who is incredibly awkward and oggled by pretty much every girl and me in the school, let's call him Owden, was SO incredibly hot belting GaGa. OMG Last year the dude teachers did a stylized version of theTwelve Days of Christmas. In leather. Now I didnt't think Owden could get any hotter than being in leather, but now I am torn between the two. :S
And whilst Christmas shopping with my father, I learned I should never be let into a pet store. Or if I must be, I must be kept from the pet adoption center. I went in, saw the adorable kitties and began bawling my eyes out. Honestly, lately, if I were a chick, I would think I would be pregnant. I'm havin odd moods and odd cravings. No morning sickness or bloating yet though. :D (y)And I'm also doing this stupid thing; getting my family things with actually meaning to them. I made my Dad a CD with all my favourites on it so he can get to knwo me better, my Mom an empty scrapbook so we can fill it full of shit and my borther an empty memory card so that we can with it doing more brotherly shit together.

O and I hate how people treat giners. May I remind EVERYONE that GINGER GUYS CAN BE HOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!! I mean seriously? Have any of you seen picture of Prince Harry in the military? That is some hot piece of man candy.
I mean come on look at him all scruffy and
I mean come on look at him all scruffy and
sexy. ->
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